Panda Learn Chinese


My Chinese Name is?

lǎo hǔ :xióng māo ,néng bāng wǒ qǐ yī gè zhōng wén míng ma ?



xióng māo :hǎo de ,dàn shì zhōng wén míng hěn yǒu xué wèn ,xiān tīng wǒ jiǎng jiǎng hǎo ma ?



lǎo hǔ :hǎo de 。qǐng shuō 。



xióng māo :měi gè rén de zhōng wén míng dōu yǒu yì yì ,yī bān qíng kuàng xià ,shì fù qīn de xìng zài dì yī wèi ,jiē xià lái shì zì jǐ de míng zì 。zhōng wén míng de zhǎng dù yī bān shì 2-4gè hàn zì ,yǒu xiē rén de xìng shì fù xìng ,dà bù fèn rén què zhī yǒu yī gè hàn zì zuò wéi xìng 。



Chinese name example
Chinese name example

Tiger: panda, help me to make a Chinese name for me.
Panda: Sure, but the Chinese name system is a little complex, let’s learn together, okay?
Tiger: All right. Please.
Panda: Everyone has a sense of Chinese names, under normal circumstances, is the father’s name in the first place, followed by his name. Chinese name length is typically2-4 characters, some people last name is hyphenated, but most people only as a Chinese surname.


How to Spell Your Name in Chinese?

It is popular to use Chinese symbols as tattoos and as some artistic elements. However, it is difficult to understand what the characters exactly mean. If you want to put your name into characters, you will need to research Chinese symbols.

Now Chinese is more and more popular language learning in this world. So many friends asked me how to spell their names by Chinese. In fact we can use two ways to do it, firstly “Direct translation”, secondly do a new Chinese name.

Example: Andrew

lì rú :ān dé lǔ


If you use direct translation then locals will know you are not Chinese so clearly. So how to hide by a Chinese name. I recommend you to create a new Chinese name.

Example: Andrew


lì rú :ān jiàn guó

What is the meaning of  jiàn guó (建国)? You may ask me. I will tell you, we really love to use phrase of country, or China. I will give a list:

致远 – zhì yuǎn -Zhiyuan (from Zhuge Liang’s “commandment child book”: “non-indifferent to Ming, non-quiet no to Zhiyuan”)
俊驰 – Chun Chi (from idiom: Jun only star Chi)
雨泽 – Rain Ze (as much grace, like rain)
烨磊 – Ye Lei (honorable)
晟睿 – Sheng Rui ( “Sheng” is a bright, thriving meaning, read shèng; “Core” is the meaning of wisdom)
天佑 – God Bless (born blessed child)
文昊 – Wen Hao (Hao word meaning is: the majority of boundless)
修洁 – Repair Jie (Amendment: describe the tall slender tall, clean: clean)
黎昕 – Li Xin (Li: Dawn Xin: bright appearance)
远航 – Voyage (a good man, just let him go sailing right)
旭尧 – Xu Yao (Asahi: Sun Yao: The wise monarch in ancient times, the latter refers to saints)
鸿涛 – Hongtao (Hong: strong, prosperous)


Mencius - a gentleman far Paochu



jun1 zǐ zhī yú qín shòu yě ,jiàn qí shēng ,bù rěn jiàn qí sǐ ;wén qí shēng ,bù rěn shí qí ròu 。shì yǐ jun1 zǐ yuǎn páo chú yě 。


Gentleman for animals, happy to see them alive, they could not bear to their death; hear them whine, they can not bear to eat their meat. Therefore, a gentleman always away from the kitchen.




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